One-Minute Blockchain News – May 30, 2022

·       As a matter of only 15 transactions more than 509 million Shiba burned. “U Today”

·       A lot of accusations of fraud are flying toward Terra, and this project is trying to avoid them. “U Today”

·       Bank of America is not rushing to adopt cryptocurrencies. “U Today”

·       China can’t seem to stop Bitcoin mining. According to reports the hash rate has once again returned abruptly. “Coin Desk”

·       The Russian Government believes that crypto mining consumes more energy than agriculture. “Bitcoin News”

·       Estonia, the European country sought to be a leading crypto hub, is reining in the digital assets it once championed. “Bloomberg Crypto”

·       The Reserve Bank of Inia proposes to adopt a graded approach to the introduction of CBDC. “Bitcoin News”

·       The founder of Terra seems that he hasn’t been humbled by the collapse of Terra. “U Today”

·       About 19 million AAVE sold in three days. “AMB Crypto”

·       Elon Musk believes that we are approaching a recession but says this is actually a good thing. “Bitcoin News”

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