Vasil Hard Fork to Be Launched Late July

·       An announcement came out of Uniswap pointing to plans to support NFT trading soon. “Coin Desk”

·       El Salvador has lost 56 million dollars in digital currencies since this country approved Bitcoin as legal tender. “Bloomberg”

·       Swiss luxury maker Hublot now accepts Shiba and other crypto in US stores. “U Today”

·       Cardano has announced the launch of Vasil hard fork to be late July. “U Today”

·       There’s no news on when Celsius withdrawals will open once more. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Ukraine has received a number of high-value NFT donations since the beginning of the conflict with Russia in February. “Coin Telegraph”

·       A recent Metaverse study found that today’s VR tech may be unable to successfully support remote work applications. “Bitcoin News”

·       Huobi secures licenses in New Zealand and the UAE. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Mining firm Bitfarms has sold roughly 62 million dollars’ worth of its mined Bitcoin in June. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Noma, a Japanese film studio, has announced that it is producing three films based on the world of crypto. “Coin Telegraph”

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