Robert Kiyosaki Predicts $1,100 for Bitcoin

·       The prominent author of Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki awaits Bitcoin testing 1,100 dollars. “U Today”

·       The chief executive officer of Fund Start platform claims that Bitcoin owners may face another major washout before a relief rally. “U Today”

·       Russian government will no longer include digital assets for value added tax. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Mark Cuban believes that the crypto bear market will last until crypto apps are actually useful. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Taiwan Central Bank considers interest free central bank digital currency or CBDC. “Coin Telegraph”

·       The founder of Polka Dot announces steps toward full decentralization with new governance model. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Crypto market crash wipes out millions from North Korea’s stolen crypto funds. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Cardano wallet now allows ADA to be sent to multiple addresses at once. “U Today”

·       While altcoins are suffering, Shiba Inu has added one zero to its price. “U Today”

·       Court has ordered Three Arrows Capital platform into liquidation. “Bloomberg”

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