One-Minute Blockchain News – June 9, 2022

·       With the integration into BitPay, Shiba payments now available to more users in 179 countries. “U Today”

·       President of the central bank of Brazil has claimed that banks will be able to issue Stablecoins and develop a technology for them. “Bitcoin News”

·       The tokens of Metaverse enjoyed a 400 percent year on year growth in price. “Coin Telegraph”

·       Citi bank says the collapse of UST has led to a fall in crypto trading volumes. “Coin Desk”

·       LUNA 2.0 tumbles 80 percent less than two weeks since its launch. “U Today”

·       Litecoin gets thrown out of the biggest South Korean exchanges. “U Today”

·       The body that governs Japan’s crypto exchanges is in talks to abolish strict rules for listing digital tokens. “Bloomberg Crypto”

·       The New York governor is yet to publicly commit to signing the controversial proof-of-work crypto mining ban. “Coin Telegraph”

·       El Salvador delayed the issuance of a 1-billion-dollar Bitcoin bond, while the president must face payments of 800 million dollars next January. “Coin Desk”

·       Mafia Doge will be delisted from BitFinex after almost two years. “U Today”

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