BBVA Open Summit: Creating the Future of the Financial Industry

BBVA Open Summit: Creating the Future of the Financial Industry

Last week we had the opportunity to present our tokenization platform at the BBVA Open Summit in Madrid.

Organized by BBVA, Open Summit is one of the leading fintech events where innovators, investors, startups, connectors, disruptors and dreamers come together to change the scene of the traditional financial sector through innovation. As Icofunding is part of BBVA Open Space, we were invited to present our solution for digitizing assets at the Open Summit.

At Icofunding, we have developed a tokenization platform to digitize assets. Tokenization is the process of digitizing a “real world” asset on a blockchain, by representing it in the form on a token. These tokenized assets can represent equity or debt of a company or fractional ownership, such as in the case of real estate.

Through the ‘tokenization’ of securities, illiquid investments can become a lot more liquid because blockchain technology allows ownerships rights to be transferred in an easy and transparent way.

The digitized assets are programmed in smart contracts, which means they can hold a vary of rights and they can also automate tasks, such as the payment of dividends and interests.Another benefit of tokenizing securities is that its valuation becomes real-time and market driven.

To learn more about Icofunding and tokenization, please visit our web.

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